Homeless Shelters

Emergency shelters and homeless shelters and some transitional housing opportunities. Many homeless shelters have waiting lists and some are long. Call for availability.

Our innovative integrated approach sees us work closely with the vulnerable communities that we s...
Initially focusing on providing emergency disaster relief and nutrition, over the years we moved ...
Christian Aid first worked in Bangladesh in 1972 after the Liberation War and today we work in th...
Engagée en faveur de l’accès à l’eau potable et à l’assainissement pour tous, SOLIDARITÉS INTERNA...
We help people fight for the rights that they are denied. Simple things, like the right to eat. T...
Muslim Aid is a UK based relief and development agency established in 1985 and working in over 70...
We are an international humanitarian organisation dedicated to tackling poverty and suffering in ...
Qatar Charity is one of the largest charitable non-governmental leading charities in GCC. it was ...
Oxfam’s involvement in Bangladesh began in 1970, assisting the then cyclone victims, and supporti...
World Vision Bangladesh (WVB), a Christian humanitarian organization is dedicated to the wellbein...
Volunteer for Bangladesh” is the youth wing of JAAGO Foundation. It was established in 2011 with ...
Light House is a well reputed non-profit voluntary development organization working for the devel...
The organization Al-Falah Bangladesh was formed in June 1981 to take over the Dhaka Camps project...
Bangladesh is one of the largest development organizations in Bangladesh in terms of numbers of e...
COAST organizes strategically important activities related to development, which in turn, will fa...
Showing 15 results